New York City Drumline, Marching Band, Samba Band for Events

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Folks of Fogo: Hayley

Drum: Dobra

Pronouns: She/Her

Borough/City: Brooklyn

How long have you been a member of Fogo?

I trained up in January 2020

When is the first time you heard or saw Fogo Azul?

Climate March, NYC, Fall 2019, where Greta Thunberg was speaking and I was helping make sure things went smoothly

Why did you decide to join Fogo Azul? What was the catalyst?

I heard! I looked! I felt the heartbeat! I suddenly wondered...can I do that, too? Wrote down "Fogo Azul" and sent a note to train up!

Did you have drumming or musical experience before joining Fogo? If so, what?

It cracks me up that my previous musical experience is ... years of classical violin. I try to say it with a straight face when I'm at a Fogo event and people ask me about my previous experience: "Oh, definitely! Years of classical violin. From Mozart to samba reggae heartbeat marching through the streets of NYC!"

As a drummer/musician, what do you enjoy about being in this drumline?

I love seeing people enjoy what we do, when we bring the beat! And what a great, varied group of people to get to know! Also, my family says I clearly feel better after rehearsals and events, hitting a drum for a few hours....

Outside of drumming, what you do enjoy about being a part of this community?

Getting to know people from different walks of NYC -- ages, professional backgrounds, identities, outlooks

What do you enjoy most about the drum you play?

I like playing one of the Big Drums. Feels fierce! I also enjoy the challenge of learning the complicated rhythms of the dobra. That said, I began on surdo 1, biggest drum, on the beat, huge, reverberating sound. Still has a special place in my heart!

What are your top 2-3 favorite Fogo performances you’ve played in?

Dyke March; the honor and camaraderie of joining Banda Dida in Salvador, Brazil, to march to the water and present gifts to the goddess Yemanja; Mermaid Parade in Coney Island, where we march into the sea and keep playing!

What has been the most interesting place you’ve been to because of Fogo?

Salvador, hands-down.

What -if anything, surprises you about your experience in playing with Fogo?

how good it makes me feel

How has drumming with Fogo Azul benefitted you or enhanced your life?

I admit I enjoy it when people are surprised to see me hauling and then playing a big drum in an earth-rocking band! Quite the conversation starter....

What do your friends and/or family think or say about you drumming with Fogo?

They sometimes show up and volunteer to support the band. My mother lives across the country and has been pretty ill, but she always remembers to ask about Fogo!

What have you learned about yourself being in this drumline?

Um...that I can do this challenging and wonderful thing!

What other hobbies or creative outlets do you have in your life?

Still playing violin, and I enjoy collage art.

What would you tell someone who is thinking of joining? Why should they join?

Don't let self-doubt hold you back!