New York City Drumline, Marching Band, Samba Band for Events

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Folks of Fogo: Yennie

Drum: Repique, Timbal

Pronouns: She/Her

Borough/City: Astoria, Queens

How long have you been a member of Fogo?

1.5 years

When is the first time you heard or saw Fogo Azul?

Sept 2021

Why did you decide to join Fogo Azul? What was the catalyst?

After listening to Fogo for 3 minutes i thought “i need to figure out every way possible to join this group immediately”. I was blown away by the sound, the strength, the energy of the music being created by 100 women on drums.

Did you have drumming or musical experience before joining Fogo? If so, what?

Yes, was trained classically growing up playing flute and piano. I am also self taught on accordion.

As a drummer/musician, what do you enjoy about being in this drumline?

The energy!!! I also love that the group is so accepting of people of all musical backgrounds and is not elitist or discriminatory like more traditional or classical music. I love that it teaches anyone and everyone to feel the music!

Outside of drumming, what you do enjoy about being a part of this community?

The people!!! Everyone is so unique and has such an interesting story.

What do you enjoy most about the drum you play?

It has the most interesting melodies in the songs.

What attracted you to drumming?

I mean….it’s badass.
Also i haven’t played any percussion instruments and have been wanting to learn.

What are your top 2-3 favorite Fogo performances you’ve played in?

Mermaid parade! the one on tv for pix 11? and maybe wall street bc it was my first gig and it was so cool to realize “wait this is THE stock exchange??” and that i would be playing right outside of there.

What has been the most interesting place you’ve been to because of Fogo?


What -if anything, surprises you about your experience in playing with Fogo?

The way the music is taught by listening and not reading. It makes you really feel the music and just have to “get it” and not just memorize it.

How has drumming with Fogo Azul benefitted you or enhanced your life?

i’ve gotten to visit so many places in the city i otherwise wouldn’t have even known about!

What do your friends and/or family think or say about you drumming with Fogo?

I mean … they think it’s cool … obviously.

What have you learned about yourself being in this drumline?

I like drumming 🥺

What other hobbies or creative outlets do you have in your life?

Somehow got sucked into Brazilian cultural activities only so now i also do capoeira. I also love reading, writing, cycling, and exploring different forms of movement.

What would you tell someone who is thinking of joining? Why should they join?

Because the community of women and non binary folks is SO AMAZING and the music is so awesome and the experience really makes me know NY in a way that is so unique.