New York City Drumline, Marching Band, Samba Band for Events

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Folks of Fogo: Tina

Drum: Dobra, Caixa

Pronouns: She/Her

Borough/City: Summit, New Jersey

How long have you been a member of Fogo?

7 years

When is the first time you heard or saw Fogo Azul?

In January 2017, I came to an open rehearsal. Never heard or saw them before that.

Why did you decide to join Fogo Azul? What was the catalyst?

Everyone at the rehearsal was so helpful and friendly and excited about the music, so I joined on the spot.

Did you have drumming or musical experience before joining Fogo? If so, what?

No previous drumming experience. I wasn't even thinking about drumming but a friend encouraged me to come to the rehearsal. I have some other musical training, mostly guitar and flute.

As a drummer/musician, what do you enjoy about being in this drumline?

This group is always on the move with a constant flow of new material, new skills, and new opportunities to learn

Outside of drumming, what you do enjoy about being a part of this community?

Everyone is so helpful and friendly. Love this community!

What do you enjoy most about the drum you play?

Two very different drums -- dobra involves lots of fun body movement. Caixa involves skill-building, and it's a big thrill to meet goals for speed and precision.

What attracted you to drumming?

I came to that one rehearsal seven years ago and got hooked by the people and the music together.

What are your top 2-3 favorite Fogo performances you’ve played in?

Impossible to answer. Each one is my favorite.

What has been the most interesting place you’ve been to because of Fogo?

Every performance is new and interesting. The farthest away was Salvador (in Bahia, Brazil)

What -if anything, surprises you about your experience in playing with Fogo?

No surprises, just delight.

How has drumming with Fogo Azul benefitted you or enhanced your life?

Drumming with this community means bringing joy, and it's always exhilarating to see people react to us. It's also good exercise.

What do your friends and/or family think or say about you drumming with Fogo?

They love it.

What other hobbies or creative outlets do you have in your life?

Ummm...I donate blood regularly just because I can. Also knitting, crochet and calligraphy.

What would you tell someone who is thinking of joining? Why should they join?

Your life will change and you will wonder what you ever used to do with your free time.