Folks of Fogo: Marcia
Drum: Surdo
Pronouns: She/Her
Borough/City: Weehawken, NJ
How long have you been a member of Fogo?
Six years
When is the first time you heard or saw Fogo Azul?
Halloween parade 2018. My friend Kim was already a Fogo member so she invited me to volunteer as a dancer with the band for the Halloween parade.
Why did you decide to join Fogo Azul? What was the catalyst?
The rhythms. I love the music.
Did you have drumming or musical experience before joining Fogo? If so, what?
As a drummer/musician, what do you enjoy about being in this drumline?
The rhythms and the sound of my Surdo drum. The music is very energetic.
Outside of drumming, what you do enjoy about being a part of this community?
The trips and friends I have made in the band all these years. Learning new music and teaching methods from other parts of the world.
What do you enjoy most about the drum you play?
My drum is really big but I love the sound that makes. It is so strong and make me feel the music in my heart.
What attracted you to drumming?
It was not drumming in general that attracted me. It was the Brazilian. Samba reggae music that the band plays that attracted me and made me join the band.
What are your top 2-3 favorite Fogo performances you’ve played in?
Halloween parade, Mermaid parade and St Patrick’s for all
What has been the most interesting place you’ve been to because of Fogo?
Sagunto/ Valencia, Spain. Bermuda, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil and Bordeaux, France
What -if anything, surprises you about your experience in playing with Fogo?
Lifting up those heavy drums is awesome
How has drumming with Fogo Azul benefitted you or enhanced your life?
It made me realize that I love playing drums and it has helped me to improve my musical skills
What do your friends and/or family think or say about you drumming with Fogo?
They think it is a lot of fun and that makes me happy but that involves a lot of commitment from me going to rehearsals and gigs. My mom thinks it is affecting my shoulder muscles lol
What have you learned about yourself being in this drumline?
That my memory used to be better when I was younger. I have to be more careful with my lower back.
What other hobbies or creative outlets do you have in your life?
Hiking, mountaineering, snorkeling. Everything that is outdoors
What would you tell someone who is thinking of joining? Why should they join?
They should join to have a great time learning how to play a new instrument. They don’t need any experience playing instruments and the environment in the band is very welcoming.