Folks of Fogo: Millie

Drum: Dobra

Pronouns: She/Her

Borough/City: Manhattan

How long have you been a member of Fogo?

One year

When is the first time you heard or saw Fogo Azul?

About 3-4 years ago in the Village. It may have been the Pride Parade?

Why did you decide to join Fogo Azul? What was the catalyst?

My first impression was how amazing Fogo Azul sounded from afar. You hear them before you see them. When they came up close and I saw how diverse the group was anywhere from gender, age, sexual orientation, etc. I was in love! It’s also a great place to meet some really great people and playing the drums makes me feel powerful! It’s something that I do for me and only ME! Fogo Azul has given me LIFE! Fogolera for life!

Did you have drumming or musical experience before joining Fogo? If so, what?

I used to play the piano as a child and can still read the music and I have dabbled in guitar as well.

As a drummer/musician, what do you enjoy about being in this drumline?

I love being challenged every day; from learning new music, new drums, hey, even new choreography!

Outside of drumming, what you do enjoy about being a part of this community?

I love the amazing people here and the work they do to help various communities. There are members who run community refrigerators where free food is given out to those in need. I have seen members put together clothes and other basics necessary items to help newly arrived migrants and homeless people. They not only do this kind of work with their paying jobs but also in their personal time.

What do you enjoy most about the drum you play?

I love the syncopation of the music of the Dobra as well as the choreography!

What attracted you to drumming?

Finding a new challenge that I absolutely love and that no matter how tired I am from my regular job, I always look forward to coming to rehearsal and continue being part of Fogo Azul. It’s like something that I ABSOLUTELY enjoy and that I do for me and only me! It’s a therapeutic experience.

What are your top 2-3 favorite Fogo performances you’ve played in?

The Dyke March, Lunar New Year Parade as well as the smaller Pride Parades from the various boroughs.

What has been the most interesting place you’ve been to because of Fogo?

Haven’t travel yet with Fogo outside of the state or country.

What -if anything, surprises you about your experience in playing with Fogo?

I love how much energy everyone has to do other things outside of their regular jobs and Fogo Azul. Many members find time to go to line dancing classes, knitting classes, cooking classes, etc with other fellow Fogo members. It’s amazing! In addition, they spend time socializing whether it’s going hiking, vacationing, having dinner together, etc. It’s a very social and tight community. Although we all come from different walks of life, we all find a way to come together outside of drumming.

How has drumming with Fogo Azul benefitted you or enhanced your life?

When I joined Fogo Azul, I was 6 months post-op of a kidney transplant. I began to see life differently in the sense that I wanted to experience things and appreciate the life I was living now. I was very worried, concerned and sometimes even sad of what could or could not happen. Fogo Azul helped me get of out of that rut. It gave me a reason to get back into life and find things that I truly enjoy and that make me super happy! For that, I am grateful to the Fogo Azul community.

What do your friends and/or family think or say about you drumming with Fogo?

They think I am crazy that I dedicate so much of my time to it and they ABSOLUTELY enjoy seeing the excitement in me when they see me march at parades and other events. They are in awe of what Fogo Azul can do.

What have you learned about yourself being in this drumline?

I have learned that I can be so different, however, we can always find a common ground and ways to come together as a community. I have learned that being a woman, a certain age, or having a disability does not stop you from doing the things you find pleasure in. Fogo Azul is an prime example of new beginnings and opportunities to keep striving and growing as an individual.

What other hobbies or creative outlets do you have in your life?

I don’t know which one I love more: dancing salsa or traveling! I have been dancing salsa since the age of 12, not formally trained but by not being afraid and just getting up and dancing whenever someone pulled me out at a party or club.
Being an elementary school teacher I have lots of vacation time so I travel at least 3 times a year both nationally and internationally. Internationally, the countries I I have visited are Greece, Morocco, Italy, Vietnam, The Netherlands, Montenegro, etc. Nationally, I’ve recently been to Tennessee, Washington DC, California, etc. Wherever I go one of my favorite things to do is to try out the local cuisine. I love to try new foods!

What would you tell someone who is thinking of joining? Why should they join?

Don’t be afraid, go for it! You’re going to have fun, you’re going to love it, you will make a difference in the world, and you will meet some amazing people along the way!


Folks of Fogo: Helena


Learn Drums and Other Life Skills